Sunday, June 17, 2012

How to increase custom blogger template width | Customize your custom blog template.

While using custom blog template for blog, people cannot edit their template from the template designer. They need to change HTML code directly.
Sometimes some custom blogger template are small in size and width.because of the small width of the template people wont be able to add large sized gadget and adsense ads on the website or blog. So they need to increase their blog or website template. That's why today I am writing this post. It is not very difficult step, it is an easy method.

1. Go to blogger dashboard > Design > Edit HTML > Expand Widget template

2. Search for #header-wrapper (Ctrl + F)

3. Change the width of the header wrapper as your wish (eg : 1030)

4. Search for #outer-wrapper  

5. Change the width of the outer wrapper in the same value as header wrapper

6. Search for #nav{width: (only if there is navigation menu bar)

7. Change the width of navigation menu bar (same value of header wrapper)

8. Then search for your default header wrapper value (eg :960). if found any then change that value to your new header wrapper value (eg : 1030)

9. Search for #main-wrapper and change the width value as your wish (eg : 730)

10. If your template have right side or left side column, then change that width also.

For right side column width search,   #rsidebar-wrapper
And change the default value to your new value.

11. Preview your template , before saving .

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