Saturday, June 23, 2012

Shorten your lengthy blogspot domain to free domain. Change to .tk

Many bloggers use their blog address with blogger Sub domain  ( Normally  they starts their blogging without any investment . They don't want to spend money for buying a custom domain also. So they are continuing their blogging with sub domain.
Actually using sub domain is more difficult for bloggers and visitors. Visitors might not remember the lengthy web address.

Now you can shorten your lengthy domain like to , and also you will get new domain with .tk completely free. Any one can change their domain.

1#. Go to

2#. If you want to get new domain name, enter the name of domain and click on "GO"

3#. Enter your blog address ( in to the box "Use your new domain". And also select your registration length (12 months)

4#. Signup your account with any given given existing account.

After completing these steps, your sub domain name will automatically get redirected to

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