Wednesday, August 15, 2012

5 things to be checked before publishing a guest post.

Guest posting means writing an articles on other blog or websites. Most of us post a guest post for making backlinks and for getting more traffics. Guest posts are mainly published on top rank ed sites only because guest bloggers need to increase their page rank and traffics. So guest post writers always do the same thing for posting their guest post. Most guest post writers are blog beginners, because they need to increase their blog traffics and page rank quickly.

Some bloggers do not know much about guest posting. Moreover, they simply write or copy articles and submit them for publishing, without reading the terms and conditions of particular blogs or website. So blog owner or publisher must check certain things before publishing their coming guest post. Check following things before publishing a guest post.

Article Is Corresponding To your Blog Niche 

Check if the received articles are best representable for your blog niche. Does it come under your blog category, or does it vary from the topics of your blog. Firstly you must check this. Read the articles two or three times before publishing. And also note that publishing out of topic articles from your blog is best for getting more traffics. Just try to post such articles once in a month or week. And also check if it is an updated information or not.

Content is Copied Or Not 

Every guest post publishers or blog owners must check if the received guest post articles is copied or duplicate content. If it is a copied content, your blog will be effected by Google panda and penguin. Now you can check received articles from various websites to know if it is copied or not.

Count The Words Of Article

Some of the bloggers are given some instructions. Like they are allowed to post only if the article has a minimum of 500 words. You can check your received articles to know if it contains the minimum word limit through word counter online.

Check The Reliability Of The Information

You must check if the given guest post articles information are reliable or not. If it is unreliable then Google will remove your links from search result or it may be effected by Google panda. And also it will decrease your blog's impressions. So check the information's   reliability.

Check Grammar And Spelling

If the received articles have any grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes then again it will effect your blog. So before publishing, a detailed checking is must. Moreover, you can correct the articles and delete violated words and pictures before publishing. 

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