Monday, July 9, 2012

What is DNS changer malware ? Does it effect your computer ?

DNS changer is a malware, which is caused with working of internet. This malware has already affected the NASA computers and other 40 lakhss of computers in the world. The malware started to effect in 2007.

This DNS changer malware and people responsible for the spreading of this malware was found out by the FBI. But FBI couldn't shout down the malware sudden because once it is stopped the affected computers will be denied of their internet connections. But when court ordered FBI to stop this malware, FBI took permission from court and acquired a time period for the same which expires today 9th July. Therefore the malware had to be stopped today itself.

If any one's computer was effected by this DNS changer malware, then from tomorrow internet will not be available on those DNS changer effected computers.

What is DNS changer malware?

DNS changer malware effects the computers DNS server settings. It means our given internet providers DNS server address will be changed to duplicate or wrong DNS server address. By this change they can easily change our route. When we type it will enter a wrong site. Also by phishing they can easily hack our password and account.

Check if your computer is effected or infected from DNS changer malware.

Today is the last day for DNS changer effected computers. A few months back Google and Facebook was informed a warning for every one about this DNS changer. So don't waste your time and check your computer if it is effected by this DNS changer malware. If you want to check your computer click here

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