Thursday, October 11, 2012

Major Google algorithm changes happened in October and September 2012

October and September 2012 were the months of Google algorithm changes. There were almost 5 Google major algorithm changes which happened in these two months. And Google hit many sites from the search queries. The algorithm changes are making more clean and better Google search results. But it is also disappointing some bloggers and site owners.

Actually, there are mainly 2 major updates in Google algorithm updates, one is panda update and the other is penguin updates. Panda update is the monthly update. So all the bloggers and site owners try their best to escape from the panda effects. Penguin update is almost same as panda update. Most of the bloggers and site owners know the  approximate date of the panda update. So they always prepare their sites for that. But the months of October and September also witnessed a few other unexpected algorithm changes. All the updates are major ones. What are the five updates? Read the following to know about them.

Google Panda 3.9.2 

This is the monthly regular panda update. The update was rolled out on September 18th. It was officially announced by Google through twitter. And the update effected less than 0.7% of the search queries.

Google Exact Match Domain (EMD) Update

This is one of the major updates that happened on September 29th.The EMD effects those sites having domain name similar to any popular domains,and sites with same keywords and low quality content will also be effected by EMD upadate. This EMD update algorithm change effected 0.6% of English queries.

Google Panda 20 

Google changed algorithm Google panda 20 on September 27th. This was the second panda update in the month of September. And the algorithm changes effected 2.4% of the English queries and 0.5% on other languages.

Google Penguin 3 Update 

We bloggers waited for long for penguin 3 updates . And it was updated on October 5th. This is a major update from Google  And this is the third update of penguin. Matt Cutts had posted about the algorithm changes on October 5th. The penguin 3 update effected 0.3% search queries.

Google Page Layout Algorithm 

Google's first page layout algorithm was released on January 2012. The page layout algorithm effected more number of ads appearing on the top of a page and also on the visible parts of the landing page. The update was announced by Matt Cutts through twitter. It effected 0.7% of search queries.

These are the updates which has happened in the months of October and September  And we can expect more updates to happen in the coming days. So just concentrate on all the coming updates and recover from all the effects.

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