Normally adsense is described as the money generating machine. It is true. Adsense is a money generating machine, but only for those who use adsense carefully by following all the polices. Such bloggers can make more money from it. Otherwise their adsnese account will get banned. And they will never get a new adsense account on the same payee name.
If you are a beginner in adsenese you must read the policies and follow all of them strictly. But bloggers neither read them nor do they follow these policies. Only after their adsense account gets banned, they start thinking about the policies. First of all you must understand Google is a big company and they know everything. People can't cheat them easily. So just follow the policies for keeping your money generating machine for life time.
Never Click Your Own Ads
Clicking their own ads is the biggest mistake an adsense beginner do and due to this their account gets banned. A beginner always think about ways to make money quickly. And in the first day of getting adsense account itself they start clicking their own ads. And the second day their adsense account is banned.So never click your own ads. It will surely not serve you any good. There are no secondary things that you can do to get back your adsense account. So you must believe in these polices
Never Ask Others To Click Your Ads
Some adsense beginners avoid clicking their own ads. But they ask their friends or others to click the ads. Some time they give ad title as "click on the ads" or "for get more info" etc. These activities also will get your adsense banned.Even if you are asking your friends living in other states or other countries Google will catch your invalid activities. So never do these tricks for getting ads clicks.